Biografi Chuck Berry

  Biografi Chuck Berry     "While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll, Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together. It was his particular genius to graft country & western guitar licks onto a rhythm & blues chassis in his very first single, “Maybellene.” Combined with quick-witted, rapid-fire lyrics full of sly insinuations about cars and girls, Berry laid the groundwork for not only a rock and roll sound but a rock and roll stance. The song included a brief but scorching guitar solo built around his trademark double-string licks. Accompanied by long-time piano player Johnnie Johnson and members of the Chess Records house band, including Willie Dixon , Berry wrote and performed rock and roll for the ages. To this day, the cream of Berry's repertoire—which includes “Johnny B. Goode,” “Sweet Little Sixteen,” “Rock and Roll Music” and “Roll Over Beethoven”—is required listening for any serious rock fan and required learning for any serious rock musician. "Meskipun tidak ada orang yang dapat dikatakan telah menciptakan rock and roll, Chuck Berry datang yang paling dekat

"While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll, Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together. It was his particular genius to graft country & western guitar licks onto a rhythm & blues chassis in his very first single, “Maybellene.” Combined with quick-witted, rapid-fire lyrics full of sly insinuations about cars and girls, Berry laid the groundwork for not only a rock and roll sound but a rock and roll stance. The song included a brief but scorching guitar solo built around his trademark double-string licks. Accompanied by long-time piano player Johnnie Johnson and members of the Chess Records house band, including Willie Dixon , Berry wrote and performed rock and roll for the ages. To this day, the cream of Berry's repertoire—which includes “Johnny B. Goode,” “Sweet Little Sixteen,” “Rock and Roll Music” and “Roll Over Beethoven”—is required listening for any serious rock fan and required learning for any serious rock musician. "Meskipun tidak ada orang yang dapat dikatakan telah menciptakan rock and roll, Chuck Berry datang yang paling dekat dari setiap satu sosok untuk menjadi orang yang meletakkan semua bagian penting bersama-sama. Ini adalah khusus graft jenius untuk negara & menjilat ke barat gitar irama & blues chassis di single pertama, "Maybellene." Dikombinasikan dengan cerdas, cepat-api lirik penuh sindiran licik tentang mobil dan perempuan, Berry meletakkan landasan untuk tidak hanya rock and roll suara tapi rock and roll sikap . Lagu termasuk singkat tapi panas yang dibangun di sekitar solo gitar khasnya lick string ganda. Disertai dengan waktu panjang pemain piano Johnnie Johnson dan anggota rumah Records Catur band, termasuk Willie Dixon, Berry menulis dan dilakukan rock and roll untuk usia. Sampai hari ini, yang krim Berry's repertoar-yang mencakup "Johnny B. Goode," "Sweet Little Sixteen," "Rock and Roll Music" dan "Roll Over Beethoven"-adalah mendengarkan diperlukan untuk penggemar musik rock yang serius dan diperlukan pembelajaran bagi musisi rock yang serius.

Charles Edward Berry was born in St. Louis on October 18, 1926. Charles Edward Berry lahir di St Louis pada 18 Oktober 1926. In the early Fifties, Berry led a popular blues trio by night and worked as a beautician by day. Pada awal Fifties, Berry memimpin trio blues populer di malam hari dan bekerja sebagai ahli kecantikan di siang hari. He befriended Muddy Waters , who thought highly enough of Berry's ability to introduce him to Leonard Chess , head of Chicago-based Chess Records. Ia berteman dengan Muddy Waters, yang menganggap cukup tinggi Berry kemampuan untuk memperkenalkannya kepada Leonard Chess, kepala Chicago berbasis Chess Records. It was not his bluesy numbers that convinced Chess to sign Berry but a song on his audition tape called “Ida Red,” an uptempo, R&B-country hybrid that Berry later reworked into “Maybellene.” Released on August 20, 1955, “Maybellene” went to Number 5 in Billboard and established Berry as a rarity: a black artist who successfully crossed over to the largely white pop charts. Itu bukan angka yang meyakinkan blues Catur untuk menandatangani Berry tapi lagu rekaman audisi yang disebut "Ida Merah," sebuah uptempo, R & B-negara Berry hibrida yang kemudian dikerjakan ulang menjadi "Maybellene." Rilis pada 20 Agustus 1955, "Maybellene "pergi ke Angka 5 pada Billboard dan mendirikan Berry sebagai langka: seniman kulit hitam yang berhasil menyeberang ke sebagian besar tangga musik pop putih. Asked why he made the transition when so many other deserving black artists in the Fifties had been locked out, Berry replied: “I think it had a lot to do with my diction. Bertanya mengapa dia membuat transisi ketika begitu banyak seniman hitam pantas lainnya di Fifties telah terkunci di luar, Berry menjawab: "Saya pikir itu banyak hubungannya dengan diksi. The pop fan could understand what I was saying better than many other singers.” It also had a lot to do with his knack for language. Penggemar pop bisa mengerti apa yang saya katakan lebih baik daripada banyak penyanyi lain. "Itu juga memiliki banyak hubungannya dengan bakat untuk bahasa. Berry offered eloquent testimony to the experience of being a teenager in the changing world of the Fifties, whether he was describing the boredom of classroom-bound students in “School Days” ("Soon as three o'clock rolls around/You finally lay your burden down") or the liberating appeal of rock and roll itself in “Rock and Roll Music” ("It's got a backbeat, you can't lose it"). Berry kesaksian fasih menawarkan pengalaman menjadi seorang remaja di dunia mengubah Fifties, apakah dia menggambarkan kebosanan siswa kelas-terikat dalam "School Days" ( "Segera o'clock tiga gulungan sekitar / Kau akhirnya berbaring Anda beban itu ") atau daya tarik membebaskan rock and roll itu sendiri dalam" Rock and Roll Music "(" It's got a backbeat, Anda tidak bisa kehilangan itu "). In his words, “Everything I wrote about wasn't about me, but about the people listening.” Dalam kata katanya, "Segala sesuatu saya menulis tentang itu bukan tentang saya, tapi tentang orang-orang mendengarkan."

  Biografi Chuck Berry     "While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll, Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together. It was his particular genius to graft country & western guitar licks onto a rhythm & blues chassis in his very first single, “Maybellene.” Combined with quick-witted, rapid-fire lyrics full of sly insinuations about cars and girls, Berry laid the groundwork for not only a rock and roll sound but a rock and roll stance. The song included a brief but scorching guitar solo built around his trademark double-string licks. Accompanied by long-time piano player Johnnie Johnson and members of the Chess Records house band, including Willie Dixon , Berry wrote and performed rock and roll for the ages. To this day, the cream of Berry's repertoire—which includes “Johnny B. Goode,” “Sweet Little Sixteen,” “Rock and Roll Music” and “Roll Over Beethoven”—is required listening for any serious rock fan and required learning for any serious rock musician. "Meskipun tidak ada orang yang dapat dikatakan telah menciptakan rock and roll, Chuck Berry datang yang paling dekat

Berry gave rock and roll an archetypal character in “Johnny B. Goode” and was responsible for one of its most recognizable stage moves, his “duckwalk.” All the while, his repertoire—not only the hits, but lesser-known songs like “Little Queenie” and “Let It Rock”—were being mastered by eager apprentices on the other side of the ocean, such as Keith Richards and John Lennon . The Beatles , the Rolling Stones and many other British Invasion acts covered Chuck Berry at a time when the master himself was serving two years in prison on what now appear to be trumped-up charges. Berry memberi rock and roll sebuah karakter pola dasar dalam "Johnny B. Goode" dan bertanggung jawab untuk salah satu tahap yang paling dikenali bergerak, dengan "duckwalk." Sementara itu, repertoar nya tidak hanya hits, tapi lagu-lagu yang kurang terkenal seperti "Little Queenie" dan "Let It Rock" sedang dikuasai oleh bersemangat magang di sisi lain dari laut, seperti Keith Richards dan John Lennon. The Beatles, Rolling Stones dan banyak lainnya tindakan Invasi Inggris Chuck Berry tertutup di sebuah waktu ketika sang empu sendiri melayani dua tahun di penjara pada apa yang sekarang tampak seperti dibuat-buat tuduhan. Released in 1964, Berry proved he still had some rock and roll classics left in him ("No Particular Place to Go,” “You Never Can Tell,” “Promised Land"). Dirilis pada tahun 1964, Berry membuktikan bahwa dia masih punya rock and roll klasik yang tersisa dalam dirinya ( "Tidak khusus Place to Go," "Kau Tak Bisa Katakan," "Tanah yang Dijanjikan"). All the while, even groups like the Beach Boys plundered Berry for inspiration. Sepanjang waktu, bahkan kelompok-kelompok seperti Beach Boys dijarah Berry untuk mencari inspirasi. Their 1963 hit “Surfin' USA” so blatantly appropriated the melody and rhythm of Berry's “Sweet Little Sixteen” that he sued and won a songwriting credit. 1963 mereka memukul "Surfin 'USA" jadi terang-terangan disesuaikan melodi dan irama Berry's "Sweet Little Sixteen" bahwa dia menggugat dan memenangkan kredit penulisan lagu. Ironically, this venerable rock and roll pioneer achieved his one and only Number 1 hit, “My Ding-a-Ling”—a risque novelty song he'd long been performing in adult nightclub settings—in 1972. Ironisnya, ini patut dimuliakan perintis rock and roll meraih satu satunya Nomor 1 hit, "My Ding-a-Ling"-hal baru yang agak bersifat cabul lagu lama ia tampil di kelab malam dewasa pengaturan-pada tahun 1972. By this time, his music had grown so entrenched that he didn't even tour with a band, preferring to recruit pickup musicians in each new town. Pada saat ini, musiknya telah tumbuh begitu berakar bahwa ia bahkan tidak tur dengan sebuah band, lebih suka pickup merekrut musisi di setiap kota baru. In those days, if you knew how to play rock and roll, it was a given that you'd cut your teeth on the songs of Chuck Berry.” Pada masa itu, jika Anda tahu cara bermain rock and roll, itu adalah mengingat bahwa kau akan memotong gigi pada lagu-lagu Chuck Berry. "



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