Berkumpul kembali di bawah nama baru Bullet for My Valentine dengan James pada papan, orang orang ulang suara mereka dan telah ditandatangani pada pertunjukan kedua mereka oleh London's Visible Noise. Mereka merilis EP berjudul diri di Inggris pada November 2004, dan mereka debut full-length, The Poison, tampaknya musim gugur mendatang. Mei 2005 melihat tanda band yang berbasis di Trustkill, kembali merilis EP, berjudul Hands of Blood, pada bulan Agustus. Tahun yang sama mereka memenangkan Kerrang! 'S Best British Newcomer Award dan judul majalah tur XXV. Dengan Februari 2006 datang rilis AS The Poison, diikuti dengan tur nasional untuk mendukung Rob Zombie sebelum Bullet for My Valentine kembali ke Inggris pada bulan Juni untuk tugas ketiga mereka di Download Festival. Band ini merilis album kedua, Scream Aim Fire, pada tahun 2008. Corey APAR, All Music Guide
Matt Tuck adalah vokalis dari band Bullet For My Valentine, dia adalah musisi asal wales inggris di BFMV matt berperan selain sebagai vokalis, ia juga menjadi gitaris dari band tersebut. Bersama BFMV matt tuck telah banyak meraih kesuksesan, mereka telah berhasil menjual satu juta album di Amerika Serikat dan lebih dari 3.000.000 album di seluruh dunia hingga membuat mereka menjadi “Best Band Inggris” dengan tiga kemenangan di kerrang magazine.

Pada bulan november 2006 matt tuck sempat mengalami masalah tenggorokan pada saat menjalani tour bersama “As I Lay Dying” dan “Protest the Hero”. Tuck menderita laringitis. Hingga akibatnya ia harus membatalkan sejumlah jadwal konser. Pada tanggal 22 Juni 2007, Matt Tuck mengumumkan bahwa ia membutuhkan tonsilektomi, hingga membuat bandnya terpaksa membatalkan semua acara mereka, termasuk tour mereka sebagai band pendukung Metallica.
Matt Tuck mempunyai pacar bernama Charlotte, Matt Tuck mulai membuat band dan mulai masuk di dunia musik ketika ia melihat video “Enter Sandman” Dari metallica. Selain itu Matt juga Sering mendengarkan lagu dari Iron Maiden, Machine Head, Judas Priest, Pantera, Megadeth, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, dan Bob Seger.
Last June, taking time out from the recording of his band’s forthcoming third album, Matt and his bandmates – Michael “Padge” Paget, Jason “Jay” James and Michael “Moose” Thomas – hired a car and drove south down the gorgeously scenic Pacific Coast Highway from Malibu to Huntington Beach, California to visit their buddies in Avenged Sevenfold. Since the two bands shared stages across America on the 2008 Taste Of Chaos tour they’d become close friends, and the Bullet lads were looking forward to blowing off some steam with their pals following a month of intense recording at Document Room Studios. They found Avenged in good spirits too, buzzing with excitement about their own forthcoming album and well up for a party. Upon seeing his Transatlntic brethren, Avenged’s drummer Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan threw himself upon the quartet, wrestling each one to the ground and attempting, in a splendidly primal display of excitement, to bite them. The drummer was, says Matt with a fond smile, “off his tits.”
Seven months later, in January this year, Matt found himself back in Huntington Beach, in markedly more combre circumstances. It was the day of Jimmy Sullivan’s funeral, and matt was standing in the kitchen of Avenged vocalist M Shadows aka Matt Sanders’ house, the pair surrounded by floral tributes to their late friend. Shadows was playing the Bullet frontman a demo of a new A7X song, a beautiful piano ballad written and sung by Jimmy. And in the moment, the music business, and all their respective bands’ successes, all the gold discs, all the sold-out shows, all the glowing reviews, didn’t seem to mater very much at all to the two friends.

“Something like The Rev passing away puts into perspective what’s super important,” says Matt. “I think I’ve grown up a lot over the past few years. I mean, I appreciate and am hugely grateful for my life; I have a girl that adores me, I have a beautiful house, I have an amazing bunch of friends, I dont want for anything, whereas before the band I had fuck all. I loved at home, was in debt to my parents, I had nothing. But I also know there are bigger priorities than just myself.”